Designated Email Form

In our current documents, Brandon Oaks has restrictions for how to correspond with its residents. Last year, we spent thousands of dollars on postage, which ultimately the homeowners’ dues paid for, as we’re currently required to mail documents via the postal service.

Recently, North Carolina passed a legislation that allows for Association businesses to allow for legal electronic communication and to vote electronically. This means, we can spend less on postage, and get more contributions/votes overall. To implement this, and allow for Brandon Oaks residents to communicate and vote by email, a new form has to be filled out by each resident specifying a
designated email address that your home address would like to use.

Filling these forms out are the start to many needed updated changes that will be announced and voted on in the future.

File it Online

Zelle Duda via Adobe Acrobat Sign 

The online form was created by the secretary of our board (Zelle Duda), so you will see her name on the document as the creator; no need to be alarmed.

When filing online, the date slot will be filled out automatically. Enter your name, address, and the email that you would like to be the Designated Email for the Board; sign it. Once signed, it will ask you to confirm your email (in your own email inbox). Once you've clicked the confirmation link, your signed form is submitted and automatically sent over the Board.